
2013-07-04 16:05

 Authority of the edit protection ulcer [yōng jū] This entry relates to medical and health-related expertise, certification work in progress, the current content is for reference only. Invite more experts in this field to help us improve the common entry for users to provide more credible authoritative knowledge. (Join Now) Wikipedia card ulcer ulcer (yōng jū), canker, many and widely called carbuncle, deep called gangrene. This canker is interpreted as modern medicine hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin infection caused by bacteria swarms purulent inflammation, pathogen was Staphylococcus. Carbuncle fat in the muscles, swelling tall, mostly positive disease, gangrene in the bone above the flat dark color mostly cloudy collapse disorder.


Words in a classic documented treatment illness illness illness two three four Compendium of Materia Medica disease non prescription medicine therapies smoked egg white around France France Expand Edit this paragraph Words and Phrases


carbuncle "character of the traditional way of" carbuncle "Phonogram and knowing the word, from the" epileptic. "Yong, is the meaning of water gathering around the castle, but also through" Yong ", which extended aggregation, gathered. "carbuncle" meaning of the word is subcutaneous, between blood and muscle tissue, pus together to form a swelling bulge. "said the text": "swollen too. "" Release name ":" carbuncle, obstruct it. Gas obstruct any knot, wrapped and collapse also. "" Gangrene "word is phonetic and knowing the word, tone and meaning were associated with illness word next lower" and "character-related." And "the word is more than one pronunciation, there is a tone that jū, when" and "the word is pronounced as jū of when the meaning is blocked, isolated. "gangrene" is the carbuncle evolution of deterioration in depth by blood stasis Yung Shing to gas closed; full of pus from the slurry to dry or flow of water; from the surface skin, muscle development fascia, bone marrow; gradually to the internal organs from the six internal organs. "said the text": "carbuncle too long. "" Medical books ":" carbuncle who are born and not six internal organs. Gangrene who do not adjust the Wucang due to stagnation in the Yinze Sheng Yang carbuncle, yin yang is born stagnation in gangrene. "" CNS-pass ":" carbuncle deep Zheyue gangrene. Gangrene deep and evil, light and large carbuncle. "Ulcer is a canker, many and widely called carbuncle, deep called gangrene, the equivalent of modern medicine, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin caused by bacterial infection purulent inflammation is a common and frequently-occurring disease medicine surgery. Carbuncle is a sense of exposure to evil, blood congestion caused the partial barrier suppurative disease onset is rapid, easy to pus, easy to collapse, Yi Lian. early localized light soft headless soon caking, red, swollen skin inflammation, pain, and gradually expand her swollen and hard, touch of heartburn. anthrax toxin block is caused suppurative disease characterized by early as chestnut, no heat pain, easy to expand to four weeks. fester after, shaped like a beehive, hair in the muscle between the place where the skin thick and tough can occur, but mainly in the item after and back. Edit this paragraph classic records


"Yellow Emperor coffin" The last one is devoted to "ulcer" disambiguation analysis of its etiology, pathogenesis, said: "Among the meridian Hanxie off, then Blood weep, weep blood is unreasonable, not General qi return it, may be copied, trans, so carbuncles chill into heat, heat wins are carrion, rotten meat was pus, pus, diarrhea is not bad tendons, tendon rotten the injured bone , bone marrow is canceled, improper bone empty, not diarrhea, Xueku empty, then the bones and muscles are not Xiangrong, Meridian defeated drain, smoked in the Wu Zang Zang hurt so dead men. "speaking" carbuncle "and" gangrene "The difference is, Qi Bo said:" more than hot, hot wins, then the rotten meat, rotten meat was pus, and then can not trap the bone marrow, not dry, Wucang not hurt, so Ming Yue carbuncle. "and" hot Chun-sheng, sunken skin, tendons marrow dry, even within Solid Organs, blood dried up, when it carbuncle, the bones were demonstrated good meat, so Ming Yue gangrene. gangrene who tender to firm up the skin, such as cattle on the collar skin, carbuncle by its thin skin with Ze, this is also the climate. "By contrast, carbuncle is positive disease, general long lucrative place in the muscle. Beginning with chills, fever, and body surface local redness, heat pain consciously; thus swelling occurring at one or more of pus, subcutaneous sense of volatility, indicating that there is pus formation; followed by pustule rupture, out of thick yellow , foul pus, deep abscess will form a fistula and abscess; until pus is out, the wound surface covered by a membrane, following a growth of granulation conscious patients transferred from the pain itching and eventually heal as ever, even scars are not. Edit this paragraph treat a disease


physique good people, carbuncle can heal, using traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture can promote healing. Such as fever, sore with fresh dandelion, chrysanthemum, Patrinia smashed topical; in physical weakness, not a long time when the pus with blood tonic medicine, such as astragalus, antler, pangolins, Tory through pus; the pus into the future, you can puncture and drainage; pus do in the future, topical, oral medicine can promote muscle growth. In a word, grasp this opportunity to strengthen righteousness, evil out to prevent internal channeling. Illness two carbuncle if the growth in the body, are more dangerous, ranging from Council steeped collapse, heavy heart sepsis scrambling into the blood, so the treatment must be promptly and properly. Compared to Western medicine surgery, Chinese medicine treatment methods within the carbuncle has simple, convenient, inexpensive, and examination of the characteristics. I have used rhubarb moutan treating two cases of acute appendicitis, are a pair of drug cure, night heat back pain only, will pass. Prescriptions melon kernels, walnuts have the role of Tori, can steeped pus discharged intramural intestine, melon kernel volume should be large, boiling sure to break. Peony Pixin scattered into the blood can pus; rhubarb, Glauber's salt content should be small, can laxative can be. Chronic appendicitis with no heat, pain, when issued upon the characteristics that can be coupled with Sim Yiyiren hot aconite, Patrinia ground into fine flour, and slowly resolved. Lung abscess with high fever, chest pain, cough spit stench turbid phlegm, pus and blood-based disease. Treatment of lung abscess, "Qian Jin Fang" in the reed stems soup than the "Golden Chamber" in the Campanulaceae soup easy to use, just use the reed stems much, or at least 100 grams. Aroma large out to facilitate declared through, the end result is to make out pus and blood, internal carbuncle heal. Now generally used reed rhizome, it seems not very good. Illness three


gangrene to chill deep condensation is characterized by superficial at first, later the pain biting; swelling gone, only hard, bruising nodules; seen pus, or dry rot, or broth, water scarcity, lingering without a break; wound rot dark, long time can not heal. This disease have to put rotten bone discharged excised, the wound to heal. There is also a long overcast gangrene on the penis, the penis or the dorsal roots appear one or several cords or oval induration, small, such as mung bean size, big like peanuts. Penis relaxation without symptoms, there is a sense of pain when the local erection. Small induration no effect on erection, the larger induration could impede the penis erection, the penis is curved, in severe cases can affect sex life. Western medicine with vitamins, hormones symptomatic treatment, Chinese medicine to warm-blood, phlegm and treating the male, the effect is significant. Some patients illness four hormones due to abuse, leading to excessive consumption of human body yang, femoral head necrosis and other diseases, also belong to the category overcast gangrene, are intractable disease, have Warming yang, fire with fire is not available. However, this requires extensive use of aconite, arsenic, Momordica, Nux vomica, scorpion, centipede and other toxic drugs, non-arts high bold who are afraid. Few dared to use a doctor and do not have the appropriate security, if there are problems difficult to protect themselves, so that Chinese medicine therapies are fast disappearing. Edit this paragraph Compendium of Materia Medica various ulcer. With licorice thirty-two,2013 Limited Edition Nike Mercurial Vapor IX CR SE FG Sapphire Blue Red White Soccer Cleats , micro moxibustion, chopped, half immersed in the wine; Another black lead one, melting cast wine sauce, and soon removed, repeated nine times. The patient to drink this wine drunk, ulcer from getting more. Another side: Licorice jin, hammer broken, flooding the night, rubbing take gravy, boiled cream over low heat, store tank. Each serving one, two spoons. This party name "old country cream." Swelling detoxification, significant effect. Edit this paragraph folk prescription 1. Bathe with Polygala into Taomi over, hammer to the heart, and research fine. Each serving three money, a glass of wine to warm tone Cheng. Juice drink, dregs wrap the affected area. Another side: woody, berberine,Sale Nike Mercurial Vapor VIII TF Blue White Pink Soccer Cleats , betel nuts, etc. into the end, and oil-paint the affected area. This side also cure boils. 2. Another party. With aspartic three, fifty-two, washed, chopped fine, filtered juice to wine, one dose. Not effective, can be re-medication, must be more. Another side: Iris flowers and Achyranthes with decoction. 3. Then square (it closed). With comfrey, Trichosanthes sub decile, decoction. 4. Then square (sores). With picrorhizae, pangolin (burn-existence), etc. into the end, plus tea or egg tone paint. Ulcer or ulcer sores are already available this side. Another side: Lu Ru twelve, and research for the end, each serving a spoonful of warm water next. 5. Then square (boils pain). With Arrowhead Mountain (roots), cocklebur grass decile, smashed. Take a glass of wine, filtered concoction warm clothes. Or two drugs dry research into end, each serving three money, wine next. 6. Then party (cough Tuoxue, labor Zhai). With Rehmanniae juice sixteen pounds, the end of a half kilogram of ginseng, Poria end pounds, ten pounds of white honey, mix well, small Huoao three days and nights, into a paste. Each serving a spoon, water or wine next. This party name "Jade cream." 7. Then square (sores). With Vaccaria, peach branches, dogwood root bark of fifty-two, Cnidium, Vitex son, bitter leaves, thistles all three sub-programs, hempseed one liter with water two top half, Zhuqu a bucket, wash the affected area several times . This party name "Vaccaria soup." Another side: Polygonum is not limited, in a slow fire stew, add the same amount of wine, fry open a few times, kept wine, ready to drink; take the dregs drying, and research for the end of Jiuzhu face tune into balls, such as Wu Zi. Thirty pills per serving, Kong Xinfu, warm wine next. After recovery, the drug can be dressed in uniforms. 10. Longer side (not grabbing, deep sores). There loofah Daozhi frequently Tucha. Another side: turtle burning of research for the end-doped wrap the affected area. 11. Longer side (beginning). Fried with ginger twelve purple, and research for the end of vinegar dressing carbuncle four weeks, leaving head. 12. Then square (swollen hard). With rice forty-two, light blue twelve, with Chaohei, research for the end applicator tune vinegar, medicine for dry to BZX for the degree. 13. Then side (heat pain). Network stone with leaf twelve, washed and dried, acacia thorn twelve, new tile fried yellow, licorice and a half two, large Trichobitacin a (take benevolence, saute), frankincense, myrrh all three money. After mixing the drug, each taking two money, plus a bowl of water, wine, bowl, bowl pan over low heat, warm clothes. 14. Then square (vicious). End with a falling really fragrant, maple frankincense decile, the regiment into balls, smoked affected area. 15. Then square (evil inside). Jen Chaojiao with Croton, research into pain and plaster points, can detoxify; Tu stasis meat, rotten place from the consumer. Fang also add a little frankincense, this party name "Sleeve cream." 16. Then square (malignant sore, more than sepsis). There are many informal Digupi, wash, scrape the skin, remove fine Rang. Digupi decoction to wash, so that pus do to Rang applicator affected area, and soon bear fruit. Another side: Viola (roots), cocklebur leaves decile, mash, add a glass of wine, juice, stir and drink. 17. Ulcer does not collapse. With vinegar bird feces, take bean dressing sore head, sore to wear [1]. Edit this paragraph Chinese medicine Smoked Smoked France France according to France, also known as the Magic Lamp is one of traditional Chinese Medicinal, its application is quite extensive, beginning on the ulcer, may play a role subside. As Six Exogenous human, within the depression caused the burning heat and Camp David is not, evil heat obstruct together, Meridian Yonge barrier, blood stagnation from ulcer. Smoked law allows drug use by fire blood stasis, promote blood drain, so ulcer dissipated reach swelling, pain, blood circulation, detoxification purposes. Ulcer has become pus on the time since the beginning, with the smoked method is more appropriate. Treatment procedures need to be prepared before ⒈ smoked smoked drugs: realgar, cinnabar 15 grams, frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, Angelica 25 grams of research to fine use. ⒉ smoked Yaomo 5 will be called 0 grams wrapped in a length of 20 cm, width 12 cm of paper inside, bind tightly twisted into a round bar with sesame oil soaked, holding one end, the other end of the fire ignited, attempting up flame from small to big, while fireworks smoked affected area, about 3 cm from the surface of the skin (skin lesion with fire flammable hot prevail). ⒊ order is generally smoked the first following, after the first outside, smoked slowly around the affected area, gas fire with dissolution. 1 day, sore shape too big to 2 times a day. ⒋ smoked at any small fire burns, pay attention to clean and prevent infection. ⒌ serious unhealed topical medicine to promote its healing. Precautions As head of Zhu Yang,Online discount stores On Sale Nike Zoom Kobe VIII Orange Light Blue shoes , so any head ulcer and facial boils smoked therapies are not available. Egg white around France Angelica powder 60g, 1 egg, vinegar 6g. Stir pinching strips on the drug, around the affected area around the sore hole aside. Function detoxification, blood stasis. Indications ulcer since the beginning of the potential spread of drug charge.