
2013-07-04 16:10

 Wikipedia card carrot Apiaceae Apiaceae dicots, under the umbrella project (Apiales, Umbellales). About 275 genera and 2850 kinds, nearly worldwide distribution, richest temperate north. China about 95 genera and 525 kinds, are distributed all over. Chinese name: umbrella Kelading Scientific name: Umbelliferae sector: Flora door: Door Gang angiosperms: dicotyledons Subclass: Rose Asia schema: umbrella head distribution area: North temperate, subtropical or tropical high mountains


Introduction Species distribution morphological classification system represents the economic value of kinship food value types commence Edit this paragraph Introduction


Umbelliferae is an umbrella heads of families, usually hollow stems aromatic plants are annual or perennial herbs. Under this Section includes cumin, parsley, coriander, carrots, dill, caraway, fennel and other plants. This Section contains three hundred or so genera and more than three thousand species, found in the northern temperate, subtropical or tropical high mountains. China has about 90 genera and more than 500 kinds. Were distributed nationwide. Umbelliferae including many daily consumption of vegetables and spices. The name Umbelliferae because of its inflorescence umbellate the rules.


Umbelliferae (5) Edit this paragraph Species distribution


Apiaceae genus of about 270 2800 kinds. Widely distributed in the northern temperate to tropical and subtropical mountain areas. China is about 95 more than 580 species, produced all over the country to the west was the most southeast fewer production northwest 56 genera, of which 24 are in the country only produced in Xinjiang, such as double ball celery genus (Schrenkia), spot film celery genus (Hymenolyma), celery tubers genus (Krasnovia), narrow cavity celery genus (Stenocoelium), bud crack celery genus (Schultzia), ribbed celery is empty (Cenolophium), silk leaf parsley genus (Scaligeria), etc., which are mostly in Asia and even Siberia ingredients. In southwest China has 52 genera, the most abundant species, of which 15 are endemic to China, they are the Yunnan Xiong genus (Physospermopsis), Yunnan celery genus (Sinodielsia), boat flap celery genus (Sinolimprichtia), purple umbrella celery genus ( Melanosciadium), Xiao Qin genus (Sinocarum), single ball celery genus (Haplosphaera), horseshoe celery genus (Dickinsia), East Russia celery genus (Tongoloa), Notopterygium genus (Notopteryglum) (Northwest Territories also have distribution), Ze Qin dwarf genus ( Chamaesium), celery root ring genus (Cyclorhiza), Chuanminshen genus (Chuanminshen), Yunnan chervil genus (Chaeropyllopsis), fine crack celery genus (Harrysmithia), bow wings celery genus (Arcuatopterus), celery is another hi peak (Cortia) and tied celery fruit genus (Cortiella) is endemic to the Himalayas. Located in the southwestern region of these species, mostly in Sichuan - Yunnan - Tibet ingredients. Northeast China, East China and Central China have about 20 genera, East production smyrnioides genus (Changium), northeastern Liaodong and Shandong produce mountain fennel genus (Corlesia), are endemic to China. South less about 15 genera containing India - Malaysia's some genera, such as the case of Centella asiatica (Centella), day coriander genus (Hydrocotyle), Mountain Jasmine celery genus (Oreomyrrhis). East Asia and North America, there is a case for Hong celery root (Osmorhiza), duck children celery genus (Cryptotaenia), variable Doucai genus (Sanicula), cress genus (Oenanthe) and so on. Edit this paragraph morphology

Carrot Seed

Umbelliferae is an annual to perennial vegetation, roots usually straight and, conical, few were massive, spherical or fibrous bundles. Stems erect or creeping up, usually cylindrical, generally pith full, sometimes hollow. Leaves alternate, petiole base with sheath, margin usually membranous; leaves are usually split, as a back palmately divided or split 1-4 pinnate compound leaves, sometimes 1 to 2 back three split-type plumes compound, rarely simple leaves, flowers bisexual or polygamous, showing apical complex or both lateral umbels or single umbel, a few capitulum. Umbel rays several to several ten, the base of bracts, entire or cracked teeth, rarely pinnately divided; umbellules base usually has a small number of pieces to ten involucre several pieces, entire or rarely pinnately divided; calyx adnate with the ovary, calyx teeth 5 or none; petals 5, base narrow, sometimes into a claw or the inner volume into a small pouch, top obtuse or with inner fold uvula films, rarely extended into a thin line; stamens 5, alternate with petals. Ovary inferior; 2 rooms, top discoid or short conical stylopodium; Styles 2, erect or curved, stigma head-shaped. Mostly dried fruit, oval, circle-shaped to oval, the two on the back or side of the flat carpel pressure synthesis, mature two carpels connate face separation from,


generally into two sub-fruits, each carpel carpel has a slender stalk habitat and connected while hung upside down on it, therefore, two points, also known as fruit Double hanging fruit. Epicarp surface smooth or hairy, prickles, tumor-like protrusions, grooves between the ribs, and sometimes slightly protruding groove in the development of secondary ribs, five main edges or protrusions are usually obvious, very few primary and secondary ridge edge (of 9) are all development; mesocarp layer of the edge slots Hop dough usually has a vertical walk up bar tubing. Cartilaginous endosperm, endosperm ventral straight, convex or concave, embryo small. The shape and size of the pollen grains of five types, namely: subrhombic type, nearly circular pattern, oval, nearly rectangular type, the equatorial contractile phenotype. Umbelliferae chromosome number x = 4 ~ 12, chromosome aneuploidy and polyploidy is fairly common in the Section exist. Edit this paragraph Taxonomy Overview 1672, R · Morrison for the first time according to the characteristics of the fruit will be divided into nine Umbelliferae 165 species. C · von · Linnaeus in his "plant species Kingdoms" (1753) recorded 45 genera, particularly in the small involucre involucre with the presence or absence as a distinguishing characteristic. 1898, O · Drude combines results of previous studies, will be divided into days coriander Apiaceae subfamily (Hydrocotyloideae), variable Doucai subfamily (Saniculoideae) and celery subfamily (Apioideae) 3 families. This system is widely used in the world and scholars. 1 day coriander subfamily (Hydrocotyloideae Drude) including day coriander genus (Hydrocotyle Linn.), Gotu kola is (Centella Linn.), Horseshoe celery genus (Dickinsia Franch.) And so on. 2, variable Doucai subfamily (Saniculoideae Drude) including variable Doucai genus (Sanicula Linn.), Eryngium genus (Eryngium Linn.) And so on. 3 celery subfamily (Apioideae Drude) ⑴ needle fruit parsley family (Scandicineae DC.): Includes chervil genus (Chaerophyllum Linn.), Fans celery fruit genus (Sphallerocarpus Bess. Ex DC.), Genus Anthriscus [Anthriscus ( Pers.) Hoffm.], fragrant celery root is (Osmorhiza Rafin.), celery tubers genus (Krasnovia M. Pop. ex Schischk.), theft of clothing is (Torilis Adans.), thorn fruit celery genus (Turgenia Hoffm.), Yunnan chervil genus (Chaerophyllopsis H. de Boiss.), needle celery fruit genus (Scandix Linn.) and so on. ⑵ parsley family (Coriandreae Koch): genus includes coriander (Coriandrum Linn.), Double ball celery genus (Schrenkia Fisch. Et Meyer) and so on. ⑶ delicious celery family (Smyrnieae Koch): including Mountain Jasmine celery genus (Oreomyrrhis Endl.), Yunnan Xiong genus (Physospermopsis Wolff), Yunnan celery genus (Sinodielsia Wolff), East Russia celery genus (Tongoloa Wolff), smyrnioides genus (Changium Wolff), Ze Qin dwarf genus (Chamaesium Wolff), lattices celery genus (Pleurospermum Hoffm.), concave milk celery genus (Vicatia DC.), Notopterygium genus (Notopterygium H. de Boiss.), boat flap celery genus (Sinolimprichtia Wolff ), purple umbrella celery genus (Melanosciadium H. de Boiss.), tumor celery fruit genus (Trachydium Lindl.), poison ginseng genus (Conium Linn.), Mian celery fruit genus (Cachrys Linn.), hidden celery dish is (Cryptodiscus Schrenk), silk leaf parsley genus (Scaligeria DC.), celery root ring genus (Cyclorhiza Sheh et Shan), tying wings celery genus (Prangos Lindl.) and so on. ⑷ Ami parsley family (Ammineae Koch): ① caraway subfamily (Carinae Drude): including Bupleurum (Bupleurum Linn.), Hidden ribbed celery genus (Aphanopleura Boiss.), Cumin genus (Cuminum Linn.) , celery genus (Apium Linn.), parsley genus (Petroselinum Hill), is hemlock (Cicuta Linn.), rough celery fruit genus (Trachyspermum Link), velvet fruit celery genus (Eriocycla Lindl.), duck children celery genus ( Cryptotaenia DC.), Ami celery genus (Ammi Linn.), caraway genus (Carum Linn.), Xiao Qin genus (Sinocarum Wolff ex Shan et Pu), capsular flap celery genus (Pternopetalum Franch.), dwarf umbrella celery genus (Chamaesciadium CA Mey.), an anise (Pimpinella Linn.), silk petals celery genus (Acronema Edgew.), fine crack celery genus (Harrysmithia Wolff), alpestre genus (Aegopodium Linn.), Seogwi celery genus ( Seselopsis Schischk.), spot film celery genus (Hyalolaena Bunge), white bud celery genus (Nothosmyrnium Miq.), mountain fennel genus (Carlesia Dunn), Tian Ze celery genus (Berula Hoffm.), Ze celery genus (Sium Linn.), fine celery leaves genus (Ciclospermum La Gasca) and so on. ② westerly celery subfamily (Seselinae Drude): including westerly celery genus (Seseli Linn.), Rock wind is (Libanotis Hill), cress genus (Oenanthe Linn.), Bud crack celery genus (Schultzia Spreng.), Fennel is ( Foeniculum Mill.), dill genus (Anethum Linn.), bright leaf celery genus (Silaum Mill.), wing ribs celery genus (Pterygopleurum Kitagawa), snake bed genus (Cnidium Cuss.), bright snake bed genus (Selinum Linn. ), narrow cavity celery genus (Stenocoelium Ledeb.), ribbed celery is empty (Cenolophium Koch), Ligusticum (Ligusticum Linn.), thick ribs celery genus (Pachypleurum Ledeb.), single ball celery genus (Haplosphaera Hand. Mazz. ), tying celery fruit genus (Cortiella C. Norman), Hei Feng Qin genus (Cortia DC.) and so on. ⑸ Imperatorin family (Peucedaneae Drude): ① Angelica subfamily (Angelicinae Drude): including mountain Gung genus (Conioselinum Fisch. Ex Hoffm.), Gudang attribution (Archangelica Hoffm.), Alpine celery genus (Coelopleurum Ledeb.), Willow celery genus (Czernaevia Turcz.), Angelica (Angelica Linn.), mountain celery genus (Ostericum Hoffm.), Europe Angelica (Levisticum Hill), coral violaceus (Glehnia Fr. Schmidt ex Miq.) and so on. ② A Weiya family (Ferulinae Drude): including bow wings celery genus (Arcuatopterus Sheh et Shan), ferulic genus (Ferula Linn.), Bulbous ferulic genus (Schumannia Kuntze), celery flower clusters are (Soranthus Ledeb.), inflata celery genus (Phlojodicarpus Turcz. ex Bess.), Peucedanum (Peucedanum Linn.), Chuanminshen genus (Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan), Ili celery genus (Talassia Korov.) and so on. ③ ring wings celery subfamily (Tordyliinae Drude): includes parsnip genus (Pastinaca Linn.), Heracleum (Heracleum Linn.), Big flap celery genus (Semenovia Regel et Herd.), Four with celery genus (Tetrataenium (DC. ) Manden.) and so on. ⑹ resin glue parsley family (Laserpiteae Drude): ① wind subfamily (Silerinae Drude): including wind genus (Saposhnikovia Schischk.) And so on. ⑺ carrot family (Dauceae Drude): including Daucus (Daucus Linn.) And so on. Edit this paragraph Umbelliferae many types of economic value is a traditional Chinese herbs, such as angelica root, independent living, Bupleurum, Peucedanum, littoralis, smyrnioides, Rhizoma, Angelica, ferulic and so on. Umbelliferae main chemical ingredients are coumarins, essential oils and essential oils students related non-volatile components, polyacetylenes, flavonoids, phenylpropanes and styrene, phenol and phenolic, triterpenoid saponins, biological alkali compounds. These components have a variety of physiological activity, can be used to treat certain diseases, some of which have obtained preliminary efficacy and results. For example Kaelin (khnellin) with dilating coronary role; furocoumarin (furancoumarin), imperatorin (imperatorin), bergamot village fat (bergapten) for the treatment of skin disease vitiligo; decursin (peucedanin), Xanthotoxin (xanthotoxin) and tied fruit apigenin (pragenin) has anti-tumor effect; archangelicin (angelicin), parsnip hormone (pastinacine) and so has antispasmodic effect; parsley hormone (ostruthin),Football Boots 2013 Nike Mercurial Vapor XV FG Limited Edition 1998 Mercurial Silver Blue Yellow Soccer Cleats , Imperatorin, iso anise prime (isopimpinellin) and so has a strong antibacterial effect; coumarin (coumarin) and umbelliferone (umbelliferone)


have anti-radiation protection. There are certain types of food value for the common cultivation of vegetables, such as celery (Apium graveolens), coriander (Herba coriander), carrot (Daucus carota), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) and so on. Some do for food flavoring or industrial spices such as fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), dill (Anethum graveolens), anise (Pimpinella anisum), caraway (Carum carvi), coriander, cumin (Cuminum cyminum), etc. . Some do feed, such as parsnip. Cultivated ornamental value, such as Big Star celery (Astrantia major), blue lace flower (Trachymene caerulea), sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) and so on. Some are poisonous plants, poison ginseng (Conium maculatum), hemlock (Cicutauirosa) and so on. Representative species [Edit this paragraph] Angelica 1 to 2.5 meters high, the blade profile is ovate to triangular, 2-3 back three style feather division. Ministry of leaf stems just swollen sheath simplified. Inflorescences umbellate complex and lateral, white flowers. Fruit oval. Northeast China and North China wild. Angelica root is used as Chinese medicine, are cultivated in the country can be divided into two types: ① called primary production in Sichuan Sichuan Angelica, Angelica produced in Zhejiang called Hangzhou, its native plants are Hangzhou Angelica; ② primary production of Hebei The said Angelica, produced in Henan, said Yu Baizhi its original plant are Angelica. With scattered wind and dampness, drainage and pain in the function. [Smyrnioides] smyrnioides perennial herb. Leaf wide oval, 2 to 3 times a three-in pinnatisect. Compound umbel apical or lateral. Flowers white. Fruit ovate, tubing majority. Specialty China, produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang and eastern Hubei, northern Jiangxi. Grown in mountainous areas or hillside soil hypertrophy rock crevices. For that kind of medicine smyrnioides dry root, have lungs, and stomach function. [Xinjiang] ferulic


a result of perennial plants, the whole plant has a strong garlic flavor. Stem stout, hairy, petioles have broad sheath amplexicaul; leaves 3-4 back three type pinnatisect, ultimate segments linear. Compound umbel often has racemose flowers, the central inflorescence is hermaphroditic, lateral inflorescence of male flowers and polygamous flowers, yellow flowers. Fruit dorsoventral flattened tubing sizes. Production Xinjiang Ili valley. The resin of this plant medicine ferulic Substitute (genuine produced in Iran, Afghanistan, etc.), the Department of flowering in the spring and early summer to early fruiting, divided by the upper part of stem cut diagonally down to collect leaking milky resin, dried together, spicy taste, there are consumer product, insecticide function. 】 【Notopterygium stout rhizome elongation was bamboo-like, commonly known as bamboo or silk Qiang Qiang. Leaves three times three type pinnate. Calyx teeth obviously, triangular. Production Shaanxi, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Tibet. Grown at an altitude of 1700 to 4500 meters of the forest edge and shrubs within. This kind of dried roots for medicine Notopterygium solvability table-driven cold, dehumidification analgesic function. [Ligusticum] rhizomes developed, with the enlargement of the nodules. Leaves 2 back three style feather division. Flowers white, style long, recurved. Points on both sides of flat pressed fruit when young, mature oblong-ovate, dorsal-ventral flat pressure. Production Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan and Jiangxi provinces. Growth in 1000 to 2700 meters understory, Mizobe grass, other provinces and more cultivated. Chinese medicine Ligusticum original plants, expelling wind, cold, pain and function.

Apiaceae Bupleurum Bupleurum large leaf

[Bupleurum] perennial herb, stems solid. Leaves entire, blade oblanceolate or narrowly oval. Compound umbel majority, peduncle slender, conical form loose. Petals bright yellow, stylopodium yellow, wider than the ovary. Fruit wide oval, brown. Production in northeast China, north, northwest, eastern and central provinces. Growing on a hillside road, shore or grass. This kind of dried roots of Bupleurum, in addition to the kind, there are red Bupleurum, black as Bupleurum Bupleurum, are also used as medicine. By producing and different traits were often called "Bupleurum" and "South Bupleurum." The former root conical, often branching, hard and tough and difficult to break. South Bupleurum root smaller, often unbranched, densely fibrous sheath rhizomes Ministry residual surface reddish brown or black. Light body, easy to break. And warm, expelling wind,Online discount stores On Sale Nike Free 6.0 Womens Blue shoes , cold, pain and function. [Independent living] perennial herb. Leaves 1 to 2 back three type split; umbellules have anther 20; meristem Fruit oblong or nearly round. Production Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places, growing in damp thickets hillside forest. This kind of dried roots of Chinese medicine independent living, but the original plant herbs live alone more than one, there are re-toothed hair angelica (Angelica biserrata) and other species as independent living medicine. There expelling wind, dampness, cold, pain function. [Clothes] burglary annual or perennial herb, all being shag. Fruit oblong, with hooked prickles. Distributed in China and Japan. Widely distributed in China, East, South, Central and even the southwest, northwest are produced. Fruits and roots for medicinal, fruit contains essential oils that can drive roundworm, topical as anti-inflammatory drugs. 】 【Imperatorin much branched umbels. Flowers white. Of fruit ovate oval. Dorsoventrally flattened. Producing provinces south of the Yangtze River and, growing at an altitude of 300 to 2000 meters mountain, stream and road. Imperatorin dried roots of Chinese medicine, there are lung, scattered wind-heat function. 【】 Perennial herb gotu kola, stems creeping, slender, rooting at nodes. Petals ovate, purple or white. Fruit pressure on both sides flat, nearly spherical. Distribution of the Qinling Mountains, south of the Yangtze provinces. Joy was born in damp grass or ditches,2013 Nike CTR360 Maestri III AG Blue Green Soccer Cleats 20121229, 200 to 1900 meters above sea level. Korea, Japan, tropical Asia, Oceania and Africa, the Americas are distributed. Whole plant medicine, there are clear heat, detoxification, swelling of the function. [Days] perennial herb coriander, smell. Stems slender, creeping, rooting at nodes. Leaves alternate. Green and white petals with glandular dots. Qinling Mountains, south of the Yangtze provinces have. Joy was born in damp meadows, rivers edge, forest, 470 to 3 000 meters above sea level. Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia to India are distributed. Whole plant medicine, heat, diuretic, swelling, detoxification. [Duck] perennial herb parsley children. Leaves 3-lobed. Compound umbel conical. Petals white. Production from Japan to China eastern, southern and southwestern regions. For civil medication, anti-inflammatory, detoxification. [Wind]


perennial herb, stems solitary, dichotomous branching. Compound umbel much branched, forming cymose panicles, flowers white. Of fruit oblong, flattened dorsal and ventral, with a hill-like protrusions childhood when mature gradually smoothed. Produced Northeast China, North China. Grows in grasslands, rocky hillsides and sandy ground. This kind of dried roots of Chinese medicine windproof, solvability tables, scattered wind wins wet function. [] 1 to 2 years coriander herb with a strong odor. Flowers white or pale purple, petals obovate, inflorescence flower often with radiation outer flap, fruit is round. Country of the Euro-Mediterranean region, cultivated all over China. Spear leaves as a vegetable seasoning, can also be used as medicine, there Touzhen effect. Fruit can also be used as medicine, a stomach, carminative, expectorant, detoxification, can also be extracted aromatic oil, oil of approximately 20%. [Celery] biennial or perennial herb with a strong aroma. Green and white petals. The fruit is round or oblong. Native to Europe, many parts of China have cultivated. Spear leaves for vegetables and fruit can be extracted aromatic oil for seasoning and flavor. [Cress] Stems erect or prostrate base, the lower rooting at nodes. 1-2 pinnate leaves split. Flowers white. Sub-cylindrical oblong fruit. Origin Indonesia, China or cultivated around the distribution. Born in low-lying areas, or more shallow ponds, ditches beside. Spear leaves for vegetable consumption. Also for the whole plant medicinal folk, there is heat diuretic, lowering blood pressure. 】 【Fennel herb, stems gray-green, Creme, multi-branched, whole plant flavor. Bright yellow flowers. Mediterranean region of origin, widely cultivated throughout China. Young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable or as a condiment. Fruit medicine, there is carminative, expectorant, cold, stomach and analgesic effect. [Dill] annual (rare for the biennial) herb, glabrous, with a strong flavor. Yellow flowers. Originating in southern Europe, northeast China, Gansu, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places have cultivated. Spear leaves for eaten as a vegetable, used as a condiment. Fruit can be extracted aromatic oil, containing 2.8 to 4% volatile oil, the oil is the main component carvone harmonic flavor as raw materials. If the medicine, there is carminative, stomachic, stasis, prolactin and other effects. 【】 Annual herb Cnidium. Flowers white. Widely distributed throughout China. Grown in Tanabe, roadsides, meadows and riverside wetlands. Widely distributed in the north temperate zone. Cnidium seed medicine said, spicy, bitter, warm, a small drug. There dampness, insecticidal, itching, impotence functions used to treat vaginal itch resistance, Trichomonas vaginalis, eczema, skin itching, impotence embolism. Edit this paragraph kinship Umbelliferae and Araliaceae most closely, J · Hutchinson (1926 - 1934) will be placed in Apiaceae and Araliaceae umbrella head (Umbelliflorae), he thinks woody and herbaceous members may come from different ancestors; 1959 to 1969, he was further separated into two Umbelliferae


Head: five plus mesh (Araliales) as a woody base, umbrella head for the herbal group, and that the torch Araliaceae from woody tree mesh (Cunoniales) , while the umbrella project from herbal saxifrage projects. 1945, N · Hyland proposed day coriander coriander subfamily upgraded to day branch on the grounds that the fruit has a lignified endocarp. In 1946, M · Bowman considered representative of the Umbelliferae split off from the Araliaceae family. It is the tropical Araliaceae (Pro-Araliaceae) descendants, but in temperate and boreal regions develop a more lush, flowers and fruits are more evolved. R · F · Southcott (1968) to follow their predecessors, advocated two subjects into a branch. A · Cronquist (1968) and A · Л · Tahe Ta Jiang (1969) also believe that these two subjects are very close, and Araliaceae more primitive, the independence of the two subjects should be maintained. Edit this paragraph have certain kinds of food value food value for the common cultivation of vegetables, such as celery, parsley, carrots, parsley and so on. Some do for food flavoring or industrial spices such as fennel, dill and so on. Some do feed, such as parsnip. Some are poisonous plants, such as poison ginseng, hemlock and so on. 1898, O. Drude combines results of previous studies, will be divided into days Apiaceae subfamily coriander, parsley change Doucai subfamily subfamily and three families. This system is still widely used in the world and scholars. Apiaceae and Araliaceae most closely.