Upper respiratory tract infection

2013-07-04 16:35

 Protection of upper respiratory tract infections authority to edit the entry relates to medical and health-related expertise and certification work in progress, the current content is for reference only. Invite more experts in this field to help us improve the common entry for users to provide more credible authoritative knowledge. (Join Now) Wikipedia card upper respiratory tract infection refers to the throat from the nose between the acute inflammation in general, is the most common infectious diseases. About 90% caused by a virus, usually secondary to bacterial infection after viral infection. Four Seasons disease, can be any age, through droplets containing the virus, droplet, or spread through contaminated equipment. Often in the body resistance is lowered, such as chills, fatigue, rain, etc., pre-existing or intrusion by external virus and / or bacteria grow rapidly multiply, causing infection. Disease prognosis is good, there are self-limiting, usually 5-7 days recovery. Often secondary bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, a few people may be complicated by acute myocarditis, nephritis, rheumatic fever. Causes Symptoms prevention and treatment of complications a diagnosis, etiology: upper respiratory tract infection about 70% -80% caused by a virus. There are influenza virus (A, B, C), parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, echovirus, Coxsackie virus, measles virus, rubella virus. Following bacterial infection, either directly or after viral infection occurs in hemolytic streptococcus is more common, followed by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Occasionally Gram-negative bacilli. 2, predisposing factors: a variety of respiratory tract can cause systemic or local defense force reduction reasons, such as cold, rain, fatigue and other predisposing factors, so that systemic or respiratory function is reduced when three local defense, pathogenesis: When the body or partial airway defense capability is reduced, originally present in the upper respiratory tract, or outsiders invading viruses and bacteria can multiply rapidly, causing the disease, ... view details according to different causes, clinical manifestations may have different types: one, the common cold (commoncold) commonly known as " cold ",2013 Football Boots Soccer Cleats ShoesAdidas F50 TRX TF 2012 High Energy Electricity Blue Red White , also known as acute rhinitis or upper respiratory catarrh in nasopharynx catarrhal symptoms as the main performance. Adult mostly caused by rhinoviruses, times for parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, ECHO virus, Coxsackie virus. More acute onset, early stages throat, throat itching or burning sensation, or a few hours after onset simultaneously, may have sneezing, stuffy nose, watery nose ,2-3d after thickens. May be associated with sore throat, inflammation of the Eustachian tube sometimes because hearing loss can also occur tears, tasters, shortness of breath, hoarseness, a small cough. Usually no fever and systemic symptoms, or only a low fever, malaise, mild chills and headache. Examination showed nasal mucosal congestion, edema, secretions, throat mild congestive ... view details enhance the body's own resistance to disease is the prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection the best way. If we insist on a regular proper physical exercise, adhere to the cold bath, improve the body's ability to prevent diseases and ability to adapt to the cold. Do cold work, to avoid predisposing factors. Law of life, avoid fatigue, especially at night overworked. Note that the patient's respiratory isolation to prevent cross-infection. Respiratory tract infections are one of the most common diseases in children, especially prevalent in the winter season. Upper respiratory tract infection is a major cause of the virus, a few are caused by bacteria or Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Mainly mild flow of water nose, sneezing, coughing slightly, sore throat, fatigue, poor appetite, may have fever, duration of about 3-4 days, a few weeks or more for 1; severe in children may be associated with high fever, frequent cough, irritability , a few may have febrile seizures. Prognosis is usually good ... view details due to drug therapy can be divided into treatments and supportive therapy. Go to therapy to viral infection due to use more medicine treatment. It was extracted from colostrum secretory IgA intranasally, daily 0.3 ~ 0.5mg/kg, points 6 to 8 times, and even drops 2 to 3 days and was considered satisfactory. Bacterial infection is with penicillin or other antibiotics. Most acute upper respiratory infection of viral infection, antibiotics not only ineffective, but also cause the body flora, is conducive to virus propagation, must avoid misuse. When combined with bacterial infection, such as group A β-hemolytic streptococcus pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by penicillin effective, such as 2 to 3 days is invalid, you should consider other pathogens. High fever, with cold wet towel forehead or the whole head, replaced once every 10 minutes, often febrile seizures can be controlled. In addition, generally available antipyretics ... View Details low white blood cells, neutrophils early slightly increased. Bacterial infection leukocytes and neutrophils can be increased. According to history, prevalence, nasopharyngeal irritation signs and symptoms, combined with the peripheral blood and chest X-ray examination can make a clinical diagnosis. For bacterial culture and virus isolation or serology, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hemagglutination inhibition test, can determine the cause of the diagnosis. 1, blood leukocyte count and classification; 2, chest X-ray to rule out lung disease; 3, pay attention to the differential diagnosis of acute infectious diseases such as measles and polio, encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome prodromal symptoms of leptospirosis and other identification; 4, etiologic diagnosis depends on virus isolation, bacterial culture and serology. ... View Details diagnosis low white blood cells, neutrophils early slightly increased. Bacterial infection leukocytes and neutrophils can be increased. According to history, prevalence, nasopharyngeal irritation signs and symptoms, combined with the peripheral blood and chest X-ray examination can make a clinical diagnosis. For bacterial culture and virus isolation or serology, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hemagglutination inhibition test, can determine the cause of the diagnosis. 1, blood leukocyte count and classification; 2, chest X-ray to rule out lung disease; 3, pay attention to the differential diagnosis of acute infectious diseases such as measles and polio, encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome prodromal symptoms of leptospirosis and other identification; 4, etiologic diagnosis depends on virus isolation, bacterial culture and serology. Differential diagnosis of this disease and the following diseases ... view details often secondary bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, a few people may be complicated by acute myocarditis, nephritis, rheumatic fever. ... 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Introduction etiology and pathogenesis of disease clinical manifestations of disease classification pathophysiology diagnosis differential diagnosis differential diagnosis of drug therapy assistant examination disease treatment drug treatment principles of Chinese medicine treatment of partial Three Mistakes disease prevention related information Expand Edit this paragraph diseases Introduction upper respiratory tract infection (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)) is a common disease in children during, including nose, pharynx, larynx

upper respiratory infection

infection, clinical generally referred to as the flu. However, in different parts of the upper respiratory tract infection, clinical performance is not entirely the same. Such as nasopharyngeal infection, secretions stimulate cough, often mainly at night; sinusitis, persistent cough in addition to outside, often accompanied by sinus tenderness; while pharyngitis addition to cough, the throat symptoms are itching and dry obvious; laryngitis in children is manifested in a special hoarse, similar Pozhu-like cough. In addition, the flu caused by different pathogens, clinical manifestations, but also have their own characteristics. Tonsillar exudation, accompanied by conjunctival and throat congestion, clinically often prompts adenovirus infection, called conjunctivitis pharynx; while pharynx and soft palate buccal herpes appeared, often caused by Coxsackie virus prompted Herpes buccal pharyngeal inflammation. [1] Edit this paragraph etiology and pathogenesis 1, causes: upper respiratory tract infection about 70% -80% caused by a virus. There are influenza virus (A, B, C

upper respiratory infection

), parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, echovirus, Coxsackie virus, measles virus, rubella virus. Following bacterial infection, either directly or after viral infection occurs in hemolytic streptococcus is more common, followed by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Occasionally Gram-negative bacilli. 2, predisposing factors: a variety of respiratory tract can cause systemic or local defense force reduction reasons, such as cold, rain, fatigue and other predisposing factors, so that systemic or respiratory function is reduced when three local defense, pathogenesis: When the body or partial airway defense capability is reduced, originally present in the upper respiratory tract, or outsiders invading viruses and bacteria can multiply rapidly, causing the disease, especially in young and old, frail or have chronic respiratory diseases such as paranasal sinusitis, tonsillitis, and even more susceptible to the disease. [2] 4, the disease affects: ⑴ congenital disorders: common, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, congenital heart disease and immune deficiency diseases. ⑵ acute infectious diseases: such as measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever and mumps. Besides tuberculosis becomes common cause. ⑶ nutritional diseases: such as malnutrition, anemia, rickets and infantile diarrhea. Edit this paragraph according to the cause of different clinical manifestations, clinical manifestations may have different types: one, the common cold (common cold) commonly known as "cold", also known as acute rhinitis or upper respiratory catarrh, catarrhal symptoms in the nasopharynx as the main performance . Adult mostly caused by rhinoviruses, times for parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, ECHO virus, Coxsackie virus. More acute onset, early stages throat, throat itching or burning sensation, or a few hours after onset simultaneously, may have sneezing, stuffy nose, watery nose ,2-3d after thickens. May be associated with sore throat, inflammation of the Eustachian tube sometimes because hearing loss can also occur tears, tasters, shortness of breath, hoarseness, a small cough. Usually no fever and systemic symptoms, or only a low fever, malaise, mild chills and headache. Examination showed nasal mucosal congestion, edema, secretions, throat mild hyperemia. If no complications, usually after 5-7d recovery. Second, viral pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis virus based on the upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by different anatomical inflammation, clinically manifested as pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. Acute viral pharyngitis more by rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus and enterovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and other causes. Clinical characteristics include itching and burning sensation in the throat, pain is not lasting, nor prominent. When there is pain when swallowing, often suggestive of streptococcal infection. Cough rare. Influenza virus and adenovirus infection may have fever and fatigue. Examination pharyngeal hyperemia and edema. Submandibular lymphadenopathy and tenderness. Pharyngitis may be associated with adenoviral conjunctivitis. Acute laryngitis more by rhinovirus, influenza virus influenza, parainfluenza virus and adenovirus caused. Clinical characteristics include hoarseness, difficulty speaking, coughing, pain, often fever, pharyngitis or cough, throat examination shows edema, congestion, local lymph mild swelling and tenderness, and gasps could be heard. Acute bronchitis and more from respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus and other causes. Clinical manifestations of cough without phlegm or mucous sputum, fever and fatigue. Other symptoms often hoarseness, non-pleural pain under the breastbone. Could be heard and dry or moist rales. X-ray showed increased vascular shadows, enhancements, but no pulmonary infiltrates. Influenza virus or coronavirus acute bronchitis often occurs in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Third, herpes angina often caused by the Coxsackie virus A, showing obvious sore throat, fever, duration of about one week. Examination showed pharyngeal congestion, soft palate, uvula, pharynx and tonsils herpes gray surface with superficial ulcers, surrounded by flush. More than summer seizures, common children, occasionally in adults. Four, pharyngeal conjunctival fever mainly by adenovirus, Coxsackie virus and other causes. Clinical manifestations of fever, sore throat, photophobia, lacrimation, throat and conjunctival hyperemia. Duration of 4-6d, often occurs in the summer, swimming in transmission. More common in children. Five, bacterial throat - tonsillitis cited by the hemolytic streptococcus, times as Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and other causes. Acute onset, obviously sore throat, chills, fever, body temperature can reach 39 ℃ or more. Examination showed pharyngeal hyperemia, swollen tonsils, congestion, punctate surface with yellow exudate, submandibular lymph nodes, tenderness, no abnormal pulmonary signs. Edit this paragraph classification of diseases a common cold type: also known as acute rhinitis or upper respiratory catarrh, colds, seasonal incidence occurs in the winter and spring; localized nasopharyngeal severe symptoms, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing , sore throat, mild symptoms or no; visible nasal congestion, edema, secretions, throat mild hyperemia; blood cell count is low or normal, elevated proportion of lymphocytes; virus isolation in adults, mostly nose viruses, mostly children respiratory syncytial virus. Usually 5-7 more days to heal. 2, influenza type: Influenza referred flu, acute onset of the disease, contagious, symptoms of variable to systemic poisoning symptoms, respiratory symptoms less severe. There are chills, fever (39-40 degrees), general malaise, back aching limbs, fatigue, headache, dizziness, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, dry cough, little sputum. Check lanes are ill content, asthenia, facial flushing, nasopharyngeal congestion and edema, a small amount of lower lung wet rales or wheeze. Leukopenia, relative lymphocytosis. If secondary bacterial infection may have yellow purulent sputum, rust sputum, hemoptysis, chest pain, WBC, neutrophils increased, duration of 3-5 days. 3, pharyngitis type: Seasonal incidence occurs in the winter and spring; dominated by the throat inflammation, may have throat discomfort, itching, burning sensation, sore throat, etc., may be accompanied by fever, fatigue, etc.; checking the throat when hyperemia, edema, submandibular lymphadenopathy and tenderness; blood leukocyte count may be normal or decreased proportion of lymphocytes increased; virus isolation mostly adenovirus, parainfluenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus. 4, herpes angina type: Seasonal incidence, mainly in the summer, is common in children, occasionally in adults; sore throat and more severe, often accompanied with fever, duration of about one week; has throat congestion soft palate, uvula, pharynx and tonsil surface and watch with gray herpes ulcers, surrounded by flush; virus isolation mostly Coxsackie virus A. 5, pharyngeal conjunctival fever type: Seasonal incidence often occurs in the summer, swimming spread more common in children; sore throat, photophobia, lacrimation, eye itching, fever and other symptoms, course of about 4-6 days; pharynx and conjunctival hyperemia and other signs; blood leukocyte count is normal or decreased, increased proportion of lymphocytes; virus isolation mostly adenovirus and Coxsackie virus. [3] Edit this paragraph pathophysiology of nasal and pharyngeal mucosa congestion, edema, epithelial cell damage, a small amount of mononuclear cell infiltration, serous and mucinous inflammatory exudate. Secondary bacterial infection, neutrophils infiltration, a large number of purulent secretions. The incidence of this disease year round, winter and spring seasons multiple, droplets containing the virus through contaminated utensils or spread, mostly sporadic, but often when abrupt climate change in popularity. Since many types of the virus, the body of a variety of viral infections resulting from weakened immunity and transient, there is no cross-immunity, while in healthy people have HIV, so a person can have multiple disease within a year. Bacterial infection, more acute onset, systemic symptoms and local symptoms are severe, with chills, there are chills, fever, headache, limb and back pain, sore throat, fatigue, etc.; pharyngeal hyperemia, swollen tonsils, often accompanied by cervical lymphadenopathy and tenderness. Edit this section diagnosis differential diagnosis is based on the low white blood cell, neutrophils early slightly increased. Bacterial infection leukocytes and neutrophils can be increased. According to history, prevalence, nasopharyngeal irritation signs and symptoms, combined with the peripheral blood and chest X-ray examination can make a clinical diagnosis. For bacterial culture and virus isolation or serology, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hemagglutination inhibition test, can determine the cause of the diagnosis. 1, blood leukocyte count and classification; 2, chest X-ray to rule out lung disease; 3, pay attention to the differential diagnosis of acute infectious diseases such as measles and polio, encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome prodromal symptoms of leptospirosis and other identification; 4, etiologic diagnosis depends on virus isolation, bacterial culture and serology. Differential diagnosis of this disease and the following diseases; 1, allergic rhinitis; clinically very like "cold," What is different abrupt onset, nasal itching, frequent sneezing, watery nasal discharge, seizures or sudden change in temperature and environment related sometimes also attack the abnormal odor, 1-2h after a few minutes to recover. Examination: pale nasal mucosa, edema, nasal secretions smear shows eosinophilia. 2, influenza: often apparent epidemic. Acute onset, severe systemic symptoms, high fever, body aches, conjunctivitis symptoms, but mild symptoms nasopharynx. Take nasal washings epithelial cell smears with a fluorescent dye labeled influenza virus serum, set under a fluorescence microscope examination, early diagnosis, or virus isolation or serological diagnosis for identification. 3, prodromal symptoms of acute infectious diseases: such as measles, polio, encephalitis early in the illness often upper respiratory symptoms, the prevalence of these diseases in the season or endemic areas should be closely observed, and the necessary laboratory tests to funded difference. Auxiliary examination 1, blood: Viral infection may be normal or low white blood cell count, lymphocyte percentage increased. Bacterial infection and neutrophil white blood cell count increased and left shift phenomenon. 2, viruses and virus antigen determination: As required available immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological diagnosis and virus isolation and identification, in order to determine the type of virus, the difference between viral and bacterial infections. Determine the type of bacteria bacterial culture and sensitivity test. Edit this section can be divided into drug therapies to treat diseases due to therapy and supportive therapy. Go to therapy to viral infection due to use more medicine treatment. Someone from the beginning

treating upper respiratory tract infection drugs

extract milk secretory IgA intranasally, daily 0.3 ~ 0.5mg/kg, points 6 to 8 times, even drops 2 to 3 days and was considered satisfactory . Bacterial infection is with penicillin or other antibiotics. Most acute upper respiratory infection of viral infection, antibiotics not only ineffective, but also cause the body flora, is conducive to virus propagation, must avoid misuse. When combined with bacterial infection, such as group A β-hemolytic streptococcus pharyngitis or tonsillitis caused by penicillin effective, such as 2 to 3 days is invalid, you should consider other pathogens. High fever, with cold wet towel forehead or the whole head, replaced once every 10 minutes, often febrile seizures can be controlled. In addition, the available amount of general antipyretics such as aspirin or acetaminophen, according to the disease can be repeated four to six hours, but avoid too large doses in order to avoid sudden drop in body temperature, sweating, or even collapse. (Acetaminophen) for mild cough in children, especially small babies, not to a large number of Chinese and Western medicines cough. If topical treatment of rhinitis, in order to make the airway, rest assured, should be eating and at bedtime intranasal drugs, 4 to 6 times a day, every 2 to 3 drops per nostril. Baby hanged oil intranasal, inhalation of lower respiratory tract caused fear lipid pneumonia. Older children suffering from throat, laryngitis or tonsillitis, the available salt water or boric acid solution (Dobell's solution) mouthwash. Principle of a drug, the general treatment and care. ⑴ living environment should pay attention to clean, quiet, well-lit, regular window ventilation, avoid convective wind blowing directly in children. ⑵ high fever, bed rest. ⑶ give digestible material, supply enough water. ⑷ note the mouth, nose and eyes of local clean. ⑸ Note respiratory isolation, reducing the chance of secondary bacterial infection. 2, symptomatic treatment. ⑴ Cooling: 39 ℃ over heat adopt the following measures to cool: ⑴ physical cooling. ⑵ drugs cooling. ⑵ only scared and sedation: ⑴ stability 0.3mg/kg every 20-30 minutes after repeated intravenous injections. ⑵ luminal sodium per 5-8mg/kg intramuscularly. ⑶ 60mg/kg every chloral hydrate enema. ⑷ winter non-mixture: wintermine, it is more time each non 0.5-1mg/kg, 6 hours, can be used 2-3 times. Advantages relieve spasm, improve microcirculation, reduce brain oxygen consumption. ⑶ Cough: general do antitussive, expectorant cough medicines three commonly used antibiotics indications. Virus infection generally should not be applied antibiotics. For younger (infants), high body temperature (rectal temperature 39.5-40 ℃ above),Football Boots Soccer Cleats Shoes Nike Mercurial Vapor VII Superfly III TF Orange Silver Mens , and the leukocyte count increased, accompanied by a left shift, or have bacterial tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, etc., can be used appropriately antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporins Ⅵ). ⑴ symptomatic treatment: severe illness or fever, or elderly and infirm should rest in bed, avoid tobacco, drinking water, indoor ventilation. If fever, headache, fever can be used painkillers such as aspirin compound, to the pain tablets orally. Available anti-inflammatory sore throat lozenges sublingual, topical spray treatment. Nasal congestion, runny nose can be 1% ephedrine. ⑵ antimicrobial treatment: If bacterial infection, the choice of appropriate antibiotics, such as penicillin, erythromycin, spiramycin, ofloxacin. Simplex virus infection generally do not have antibiotics. Chemical drugs to treat viral infections, premature. Moroxydine (ABOB) influenza viruses and respiratory viruses have a certain effect. Vidarabine on adenovirus infection has some effect. Rifampicin can selectively inhibit the viral RNA polymerase of influenza virus and adenovirus have a certain effect. In recent years, found that a synthetic, potent interferon inducer - Polyinosinic (referred poly l: C) allows the body to produce interferon, can inhibit viral reproduction. Chinese medicine treatment of upper respiratory tract infection medicine in the country known as "cold", according to the clinical manifestations can be divided into two types of cold flu and common cold. 1, cold cold: This type is more common in older children early cold, there chills, fever, no sweat, runny nose, head and body aches, cough with sputum, pink tongue, thin white fur, floating and tight pulse, Governance Xin Wen Xie table method. 2, Fengreganmao: This type is more common in infants and young children, fever heavier, or puzzled though sweating and hot, stuffy nose, tears streaming yellow, red face, red throat, or cough with phlegm, slightly red tongue, thin white fur or yellow phase and, floating pulse or slippery. Governance in order Xin Liang Xie table, detoxification method. [4] Three Mistakes 1, treatment must infusion: as long as a fever, to the hospital will hang bottle. Common sense as long as the child is not dehydrated, in principle, be able to make oral oral, or easy to produce complications such as vasculitis,Online discount stores On Sale Nike Free Run 2 Mens Grey Orange shoes , young child plenty of fluids will cause damage to the heart, increasing burden on the heart, and even cause heart failure. 2, treatment must hormones: the use of hormones, there are strict indications and contraindications, but some doctors for fast cooling, almost on the use of fever, also looked superb skills, but many of the side effects of hormones, especially for children, can cause obesity (pathological), osteoporosis, etc., on the development of children more harm than good can be said to outweigh 3, antibacterial treatment must: a lot of fever is caused by a virus, the virus is known antibiotics powerless, the world now has the virus almost no significant effect of the drug. Is a bacterial infection should also be sensitive tests for bacteria to use the considerable antibiotics. But now many doctors for some purposes a rule on the last anti-inflammatory drugs, and beginning "Ceftriaxone", "Fortum" and other powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics, only rarely play a role, adding to the financial burden on families, also easy to cause the normal flora in children, resulting in many problems. Even more frightening is that once took such a strong drug resistant bacteria once, after using milder effect of the drug is difficult to achieve. Edit this paragraph disease prevention and enhance the body's own resistance to disease is the prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection the best way. If we insist on a regular proper physical exercise, adhere to the cold bath, improve the body's ability to prevent diseases and ability to adapt to the cold. Do cold work, to avoid predisposing factors. Law of life, avoid fatigue, especially at night overworked. Note that the patient's respiratory isolation to prevent cross-infection. Respiratory tract infections are one of the most common diseases in children, especially prevalent in the winter season. Upper respiratory tract infection is a major cause of the virus, a few are caused by bacteria or Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Mainly mild flow of water nose, sneezing, coughing slightly, sore throat, fatigue, poor appetite, may have fever, duration of about 3-4 days, a few weeks or more for 1; severe in children may be associated with high fever, frequent cough, irritability , a few may have febrile seizures. Prognosis is usually good, but the infirm can cause otitis media, cervical lymph node inflammation, swelling and other complications pharyngeal concentrated, very few cases can be induced viral myocarditis. Such as inflammation down spread can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Often on the basis of viral infection bacterial infection. Key to prevent upper respiratory tract infections: ⑴ active exercise, enhance physical fitness; ⑵ usually do not wear too many temperature changes should change clothes; ⑶ avoid contact with the patient, in the upper respiratory tract infection epidemic season to try not to bring the child to public places, If necessary, wear a mask or taking Radix, Folium other traditional Chinese medicine prevention; ⑷ timely treatment likely to cause upper respiratory tract infections diseases, such as malnutrition, zinc, vitamin A deficiency, rickets. [5]