Valley of Flowers is

2013-07-04 16:40

 Valley of Flowers Valley of Flowers is Wikipedia card is the Valley of Flowers is (は や na ta dashi, 1894 (1894) January 5 - 1957 (1957) August 28), the Japanese army lieutenant general, to launch Manchuria Incident one of the Kwantung Army three Hatori.


Biography Early career After establishment of Manchukuo Manchurian Incident naked aggression remarks Yan Xishan defeat evil enough to work the characters blatantly lied to disclose facts unfold Edit this paragraph Biography 1928 Valley of Flowers is Japan's Kwantung Army General Staff, 33rd Infantry Wing captain. 1930 Mukden spy agencies as auxiliary officer. Valley of Flowers in office working with Kenji Doihara, ishiharakanji, Seishiro Itagaki, who together, actively planning for the armed occupation of Manchuria, is to create "wicker Lake Incident" and launched the "September 18 Incident" one of the central figure. "918" after the war as a military adviser Manchukuo. In order to deceive their nationals and international public opinion, for the Japanese army naked aggression exculpatory, "Osaka Asahi Shimbun" also sent reporters interviewed who participated in the planning, "wicker Lake incident," the Japanese central figure in one of the three - Valley of Flowers is an attempt for the Japanese launched the "September 18 Incident" to make more high-sounding explanation. Valley of Flowers was when he was stationed in Japan Mukden secret assistant officer, Army Koro (ie major) rank. Edit this paragraph early career Katsuta-gun Okayama wide village households spend Valley Chapter son. Tsuyama Junior High School, where juvenile Osaka Army School, Central juvenile school, in May 1914 the Military Academy 26 graduated in December infantry lieutenant any officer. 54th Infantry Wing pay. November 1922 Army University 34 graduate. Staff Headquarters internships, staff headquarters staff, general staff headquarters to pay (Shina researcher in Zhengzhou), the Kwantung Army General Staff, in August 1929, was promoted Major of the Army infantry captain became the 37th Wing. Edit this paragraph after the Mukden Incident

Valley of Flowers is

1931 years, the Kwantung Army Headquarters to pay (Mukden secret assistant officer), when senior staff with the Kwantung Army Itagaki Seishiro and the Kwantung Army operations officer ishiharakanji mastermind with wicker Lake events. Become launching the "Incident" the central figure (when his boss Kenji Doihara in Tokyo, did not participate in this activity). July 1929, on the newly appointed commander of the Kwantung Army Hata English Taro just took on the night, Itagaki, Ishihara, Valley of Flowers is the three will be on the "Mongolian question" had a "heated discussion", then three people every week gathering research. Spring of 1931, the trio is not only planning a "manufacturing a schematic plan wicker Lake incident,2013 Nike Mercurial Vapor IX Indoor Glide III IC Indoor Soccer Cleats White Blue," and taking into account the "war pretext significant manufacturing system easily, but the problem lies in dealing with the aftermath difficult" issue. In order to fight for the Japanese Army powerful figure within the full support of June 1931 (there is a saying in the July 1), Valley of Flowers positive carry "Mongolian question treatment options" in Tokyo, and the General Staff Headquarters First Minister Chuan Jian Mei Ci Major General Staff Minister Ninomiya, China Division, Colonel heavy vine Chiaki, Chinese squad did Bo Zuo, Russia squad Hashimoto Kingoro Lieutenant Colonel, and Yong Tian Tieshan meet military section chief talks. These fascists mutual communication, negotiation, Valley of Flowers is also commissioned heavy rattan and other people to help raise for the Japanese ronin create disturbances in northeast China's 50,000 yen activity funds and other matters. April 1931 late in the day, the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Miyake light cure rate Ishihara, Valley of Flowers is, Shintaro Imada and others to access the name of Seventh Brigade drove into the Northeast Army reconnaissance Beidaying resident. Seventh Brigade Wang Zhe welcome them into the reception, the two sides chatted for about 30 minutes. And stay in the driver's Kwantung Army hospital makeup exhortations Shinoda sixty-three, not only "markings on Beidaying configuration" and the opportunity to use the toilet, "from the window for a quick photograph on throughout." In late June 1931, Itagaki, Ishihara and the Valley of Flowers is Shintaro Imada captain shows in late September to begin combat operations in Shenyang wicker lake. Since then, Valley of Flowers is and Shintaro Imada began identifying candidates as the backbone, They consuming effort to pick a clear Mukden gendarmerie Lieutenant Colonel Tri Valley, northeast frontier exploration ten military advisers Yazaki Koro, infantry twenty-ninth United The first captain Nagura Koro, independent

Valley of Flowers is

garrison infantry battalion attached to a second child is Fan Koro Island, the first brigade commander Captain Masao Ono, the third squadron commander Captain Kawashima is the fourth squadron high Bridge gold a captain, in addition, there Gan meal Masahiko reservist captain, Lieutenant Wada fresh reservists. In mid-August, Valley of Flowers is summoned Imada Shintaro, Mitani Qing et al in Mukden secret meeting of "wicker Lake plan" secret meeting to determine the final action plan for the specific division of labor,2013 Football Boots Soccer Cleats Shoes New ShoesNike Mercurial Vapor XV FGLimited Edition 1998 Mercurial Silver Blue Yellow , and finally entered into a written pledge, and in the above by the blood fingerprints. During this period, ie late July to mid-August, the Kwantung Army began an investigation because of espionage shock Taro Nakamura, who was put to death the Northeast Army issue. In this process, the Valley of Flowers is once Mukden auxiliary official identity secret negotiations with the Manchurian officials, he readme: "The more repeated representations, the more tangled issue, and decided to use this opportunity to launch a strength., But I do not know the Central Army What are the views of the Ministry, would like once again to clarify the situation. "So, Valley of Flowers is once again in Tokyo in late August, he was Minister for staff Ninomiya Governance weight and build Sichuan America Jiro request: In the" Sino-Japanese military conflict "is "Do not interfere with too small" and got two clear assurance: "Try efforts to implement the military advocate", then they will simply met with Hashimoto Kingoro and Bo, and bluntly told: "things to this day now, when, imminent, only blow. "back east, the Valley of Flowers is further arranged to play Captain Shintaro Imada wicker lake scene blasting task; attack will be given to an independent garrison stationed in Mukden Shimamoto brigade squadron leader: Kawashima captain, Captain Ono, as well as the Japanese army stationed in Mukden twenty-ninth United Koro islands, Nagura Koro et al, "Auxiliary operations" by the army reservists Gan meal Masahiko, Wada fresh charge. September 1, Valley of Flowers is also specifically to visit the Consul General of Japan in Mukden forest long Shinjiro, asking him whether the attitude of the Northeast area, should adopt a positive attitude. And Itagaki, Ishihara, Valley of Flowers, who was already scheduled to launch in the September 28 Incident. Valley of Flowers is his memoirs written: September 28 was chosen because the secret shipped from Japan, two heavy artillery "Although September 10 had been installed, but also to teach the operation of the temporary artillery technology, still spend time and cut down for battle after sorghum, sorghum lush it is difficult to find an enemy hiding. "September 5, the Kwantung Army in northeast China launched Incident news spread out, Valley of Flowers is acknowledged rumors go Lotion: nothing Xing alcohol to speak of their own; bribed with money or his drunken ravings Japanese ronin, while known to outsiders. This caused the Consulate General of Japan in Mukden, and Japan domestic concerns. To this end, Itagaki, etc. NPC is annoyed, Itagaki has worked with Valley of Flowers questioned being menacing to the Consul General of Japan in Mukden long Shinjiro forest. In order to deceive the public, Ishihara and Itagaki agreed after being on the Valley of Flowers, who hinted: "In late September, the 'wicker Lake plan' not to engage."


9 evening of February 15, Itagaki, Ishihara, Valley of Flowers is, Mitani clear, Shintaro Imada, Kawashima, Ono, children Island, Nagura, who once again gathered Mukden spy agencies, first Valley of Flowers is read out Hashimoto Kingoro from Tokyo successive sent three telegrams, stating: "brought to light, Jianchuan go before hands." Mitani, Imada, who strongly advocated decisive action; and Valley of Flowers regular proposition: Since the General Staff opposition, moving his hand is useless, or give up, find another opportunity. He also said: "When Jianchuan before deciding to see it." Most people agree that the results are the views of the valley of flowers, and had determined to launch Incident Itagaki, Ishihara has laughed off the language, kept in the dark Mitani clear, Imada Shintaro, Kawashima, Ono equal to at 2:00 on the 16th stormed off. May in a few hours later, on September 16 morning, Shintaro Imada, Kawashima Ishihara, who has been called to inform the final decision on September 18 hands, Imada hearing excited. Proposition was interrupted because of sorrow, joy and actions, which were Ishihara considered "dangerous elements" Valley of Flowers is, do not know the 18th hands new decision, he ruefully right Katakura Zhong said: "to die, postponed. "Until the 17th, Shintaro Imada only came to tell yourself Valley of Flowers is the 18th new decisions. Valley of Flowers is immediately started its activities are arranged. As early as September 10, in the gendarmerie Mitani Qing authorities dorm Kawamoto masterpiece gave Gan meal Masahiko 30,000 yen, but also to the Valley of Flowers is some money. Now, Valley of Flowers is then immediately perform live with the task of the "guerrilla" members and contact Wada Jin et al. September 18 evening 7:00 5 points, Valley of Flowers is to Shenyang Railway Station to meet Jiro and Itagaki Jianchuan America and Jianchuan arranged in "Ju Man" Advanced Hotel. Subsequently, Itagaki an excuse to leave, leaving only the Valley of Flowers is accompany them. 10:20 or so, shocked the world Mukden Incident broke out. Mukden Incident broke out 24 hours later, Itagaki, Ishihara, Valley of Flowers is, Katakura Zhong et al in Shenyang Hall, second floor living room with built Jiro Kawakami US talks. Jianchuan advocated the annexation of Northeast China should be divided into three steps, while the stone principles advocated in one step, that is, "Mongolian possession theory", the two sides at loggerheads over. Finally, on September 22, finally agreed: in northeast China to establish a pro-Japanese puppet regime, namely the implementation of "Mongolian independence theory." Edit this paragraph the following is established Manchukuo Valley of Flowers is basically positive memories of the Japanese Imperial Army occupied the southern Manchuria, we originally planned to start out Puyi. Although there were no prior decision to support Puyi as head of state in Manchuria, but before the incident, we have watched on Pu Yi, and with living in Port Arthur Jiuchen Qing Luo Zhenyu contact us for authorization to act as an independent political leader conditions are: a. For the 30 million people are admired, well-born but respected; two. Lineage belonging to Manchuria system; three. Zhang Xueliang, or whether the same can not be merged Chiang; IV. Able to cooperate with Japan. According to the above conditions, Pu Yi nature is revealed. [1] Ishihara originally Manchuria colonialists, advocates of the occupation. However, since the arrival Itagaki since they tend independent state on it. Then between us, after about a month during the discussion of this issue. Ishihara Initially our independent state on dissent, he believes China's history from the point of view, even if we say they are engaged in politics, and can only lead to the outcome of political corruption, but no way, its like, not as relying incorruptible Japan people. The implementation of "political philosopher" is more appropriate. We believe that this claim might hurt his national feelings, but the first problem encountered in the Japanese probably did not "philosopher" people. Human divinity, there are evil, we advocate cultivate the political reality of human nature. When Ishihara once in favor of our views, he turned into a completely independent nationalist. [1] At that time the Japanese in Manchuria, many people are unable to earn a living in mainland Japan, ronin, speaking from the truth, these people are also inadequate to become a mentor to the Manchus, and only later became a central figure in the Union will be full of iron staff and among other youth, have many noble sentiments, innocent heart, truly aspires to achieve the republic of five nationalities, kingly paradise person. Manchukuo early, they are the center of Japan, is quite active, full of fresh air, then interest doctrine rampant capitalists and bureaucrats mainland Japan, one after another, our vision is completely broken. Initially we even set up "no chaebol into Manchuria" bulletin board. However, due to a paper turned in under the command of the founding period of the comrades left, right after being chased flocks of "ants" were fully occupied, while the Manchukuo disturbed. [1] September 22, the Luo Zhenyu find Kwantung Army Headquarters, ordered them to pull out of Pu Yi, he immediately visited the strength of character to send the Qing restoration Jilin Hee contact, then also met in Taonan Zhang Haipeng, then diverted to Tianjin. Together with the old veterans lived in Tianjin deposed emperor Pu Yi, because do not understand the intent of the Kwantung Army and anxiety, not easily act, then the Japanese army stationed in Tianjin Miura staff liaison to come. Talk to him to the effect that: "Xuantong Emperor believes that if there is the support of the people and the Kwantung Army and expectations, even if the expense of personal sacrifice, to the current situation, the Government consider immediately crowned Puyi" content of the work of this period is leaked out little by little. Central Army sent a command to Manchuria, are not allowed to participate in establishing the new regime, particularly embraced Xuantong emperor's movement. We think if we do not always stepping in front, it will not make a difference, so the Kwantung Army then sent ronin corner, with Tianjin infantry captain Takashi Sakai Colonel joints, like hostage Puyi. But because the Japanese commander in Tianjin Kashii Kohei keep hands, the results can not help it. So he reassignment Colonel Kenji Doihara to Tianjin. In late October, appeared in Tianjin Dohihara, proceed quickly pulled Pu Yi's work, but his actions will soon be Chinese Foreign Ministry, an agency of aspects and discovery. [1] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhang wanted to run for some people, anyway, in southern Manchuria the Japanese puppet regime forcibly support from the League of Nations to deal with it, this is poor, mainly because it was the Qing Dynasty Emperor Fei also pulled out, but the times error, it should naturally expect the birth of a regime Dohihara according to the schedule, to provoke riots in Tianjin in order to chaos in the horse shortage of people, the emperor hijacked out, China has tried to get the news of the riots, stopped participating insurrection of the Chinese people, so that riots can not expand. In the riots, Pu Yi on November 11, from Tianjin to escape by boat to Yingkou, and soon the situation stabilized, if Takatsuki Reijiro cabinet stepped down at the end, the central military finally agreed carried out of Puyi, the second year in March the 1st Declaration of Independence at the same time, in order to govern in the name of Pu Yi, the heads of state of Manchukuo boarded the throne, so that although the central military action against the Kwantung Army, but the outcome is still being pulled along by the Kwantung Army, Army because of the loss of faith in the central repeatedly reveal ugly. [1] The next stage is to attempt to occupy Shanhaiguan line extends. Therefore, once again provoked riots in Tianjin, and this as a reason to send troops to the Great Wall line. Japanese troops stationed in Tianjin, but not on the trap, but failed. According to Chief of Staff Jingu Fan three commands, army attack on the way, that is suspended in the Liaohe online operations which resulted in the second year in July occupied Jinzhou. On the other hand, in the north because the ban offensive Harbin, is a slightly different direction of attack, into Qiqihar, every inch of land occupation, must break the "Armistice" restrictions, and finally in November 19 to enter Qiqihar. [1] finally captured in Qiqihar, but also because the chief of staff's command, had caught in the dilemma of withdrawal. Most worried about is the central Soviet military movements that reach out to the North over is a dangerous thing, does not seem to ignore, and later re-Ninomiya Governance Minister accepted the Emperor to appoint staff as part of power, that is, the "interim appointment of General Staff Command "take over, reaching the point where the repressive Kwantung Army. Is the way to progress Incident, gone through hardships, to December Tsuyoshi Inukai cabinet took office, Sadao Araki began as terrestrial, Manchuria was able to open. Especially the October event conspiracy after leaking in politics to politicians caused "against the army, there is danger" sense of terror. So that they have lost control of the military actions in the past that enthusiasm. I think, at that time launched Manchurian Incident is timely. In addition to the Japanese mainland laborious to convince a group of people not assertive than in the international arena, the conduct of the incident, and not be disturbed. [1] Edit this paragraph naked aggression remarks Later, he served General Staff Officer, 1st Infantry 35th Wing commander. In 1933 when the brigade led criticism of the military secretly attacked Hokuriku a company. In August, as the Chiefs of Staff to pay to become military attache stationed in Jinan. August 1935, becoming the Kwantung Army General Staff, General Staff Headquarters after the payment, the payment of the first two division headquarters, rear 2nd Division chief of staff, in August 1937, promoted to Army Colonel. As the fifth infantry brigade division 21 43 United captain involved aggression against China. 39 years on January 31 Manchukuo army adviser, commanding army in Manchuria Nomenkan operations. March 1940, and advanced to the Army Major General. The Mukden Incident of go-getters, boasted Manchukuo "Independence hero", 1939 to Shenyang Manchukuo training school inspections, summoned all the pseudo-military speech. He stood Manchukuo army training school headquarters on a high level, increased aid, said: "Manchus themselves as masters of the Japanese as a guest, it would be wrong in Manchuria the Japanese is by no means guests are downright Manchuria owner. who does not admit it, you can ask him yourself, other cast where there is such a person can not be allowed to land in Manchuria and I had in Jinan Cheng from the radio to hear the Prime Minister's speech XIAOXU Zheng said that Manchukuo was a child, you need to take hold in Japan, however, the child gradually grow up, to be freed from the embrace of what he says What is this nonsense? This is really outrageous, it Manchukuo be freed from the Japanese embrace it ? I listened very angry, immediately call the Kwantung Army Headquarters, the Zheng dismissed, and this is a lesson (this happened in 1935). Manchukuo emperor 'back to see people' (ie supervisor) is Japan's Kanto Army commander, any one Manchu, to the Japanese as a guest, it is absolutely impossible. then repeat one, people have this idea, ask him to help yourself! "officer witnessed the presence of pseudo- its looks: long face mouth, face Hengrou, evil like Xiongshen general. Edit this paragraph Yan Xishan work failed August 1, 1940 Embassy office in Xinyang region's third division 29th Infantry Brigade, 41 years on July 31 was transferred to the Kwantung Army commander of the 29th Infantry Division, 12 January became the first army in Shanxi Iwamatsu Yoshio's chief of staff. Valley of Flowers is dispatched Army Air Force bombed after they took possession of the body tough Yan Xishan, slope,Football Boots Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly CR7 IV Football Boots - Blue/Red/Obsidian Soccer Cleats , and Sui Army ferry boat in the Yellow wire wood-deck bridge built near the nest. However, due to the elite are transferred to the Pacific theater, so the two dozen aircraft, bomb three hundred pieces, just blow up two strand wire rope. Yan Xishan is a side ready for "Big Battle", he has also sent a confidant to Taiyuan to go again and talk with the Japanese side. Hope might ease the situation. But this time the Valley of Flowers is the Yan Xishan delays have lost patience, are sent to Yan Xishan cronies - Zhao Cheng Shou said he considered itself to victory, cocky, arrogant. He Zhao Cheng Shou Yan Xishan's behalf, said: "You come, good! Can you do on behalf of Yan Xishan? I see you can not represent him. Yan Xishan deceit multiport, the Chinese people have cheated times, who will be sent when the representatives of all when His family could not be with Yan direct negotiations to solve the problem. Yan Xishan in order to get from the hands of the Japanese army 'fenyang agreements' specified things, you must first energized from the Chongqing to do. "In such a situation below, Yen was folded statue flexor expensive to Anping talks with the Japanese side. After the start of the meeting, Yen spoke first, speak about their so-called "relative demand" fallacy, the Japanese side will ultimately very impatient, Valley of Flowers is outraged, said: "We are come to the meeting and not to listen to lectures.": "Pearl Hong Kong War, the United States defeated the Japanese at once, let alone Chiang Kai-shek, and the Japanese Yen your cooperation, and for your own benefit, but also the right time, wait and see little benefit, it is best to go back to Taiyuan with us immediately. "Valley of Flowers is speak, the momentum is more fierce, hand over mouth, said, no one else, which makes Yan Xishan very embarrassed. Yan Xishan walked, Anping meeting did not achieve the desired compromise, the Japanese side also had to admit that "the talks finally broken." Anping meeting "after the collapse. Japan has decided to change tactics against Yan Xishan's surrender. Valley of Flowers is its May 8 to the Japanese Army chief of staff of the "B Set No. 80 primary electricity", "observations and opinions", Yan Xishan's attitude made the following "judgment": "1. Yan Baichuan have intention to cooperate, but only consider the so-called interest, but did not cooperate in good faith with me quickly to participate in a wing of the Greater East Asia War intention. 2. Yan Baichuan to escape the army's sharp edge, while continuing to fornication Chiang Kai-shek, but also to pretend with our cooperation, and we can not be implemented using the conditions for cooperation, delaying negotiations to stalling tactics, continue to defend ourselves. 3. Yan Baichuan towards Japan, the Soviet Union relations, very concerned. He see this opportunity before. I want to wait and see attitude. "Valley of Flowers is that:" 1. Negotiations with Yanbai Chuan, if not forcibly force oppression, economic blockade, it is difficult to achieve the purpose, only by peaceful means to negotiate, he's stalling tactics will. 2. Yanbai Chuan basic agreement as a pretext to require us to perform basic agreement, rather than obey our proposal. The basic agreement in his favor, harmful to me, especially the Greater East Asia War continues to adapt rapidly to achieve cooperation and the status quo. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly abolish the Basic Agreement. "May 17, after the approval of the Japanese Army headquarters, Valley of Flowers is its' B Set No. 85 primary electricity" and inform their subordinates: "1. Japan's decision to abolish the basic agreement, armistice armistice breakdown, the 17th had notice Yen Hsi-shan. 2. Yan Xishan future attitude is the attitude to take serious opposition, prompting its reflection. "Edit this paragraph evil enough figures in June 1943, promoted to lieutenant. In October the 28th Army to Burma any Shozo Sakurai under the fifth division division commander, participating in the Second Battle of Arakan. Defeated by the British hit. This guy is extremely problematic aspects of personality figure in the time when teachers are often unreasonable beatings under the school, and confident of their own land graduates, bully those who have no day set middle-ranking officers, from generals to the whole army soldier does not one does not hate him, many people have a heart Liansha his. The other side he is also very afraid of death, but also in the rest of the time marching men to dig their own dedicated dugout. July 1945, he served in the 39th Army chief of staff in Thailand, six days later, 39 Army Army for 18th place upgrade, he also became the Army chief of staff, to meet the end of the war. July 1946 demobilized. After the war by military pensions organized a group called "Akebono Club" of right-wing groups. In an interview in 1955, also clamored Manchurian Incident of self-defense, not a strategy. But other people's testimony can prove what he said was a lie thoroughly. In the fall of 1957 due to illness. Katakura heartfelt call for donations for his illness, however, because he was a bad thing done, the old men go without a donation. When he died the same year. Old Manchuria relevant personnel attend a grand funeral ceremony, but also his men who did not go. Edit this paragraph blatant lie "Osaka Asahi Shimbun" Extra Showa 19 September 2006 "Shina's violent boxing is due - Valley of Flowers Koro Talk" (Mukden special power 19 fat) Fengtian Army spy agencies, Valley of Flowers Koro conversation as follows: Japanese branch between suddenly had opened the horrors of war and felt really sorry that this matter is due to non-commissioned officers who despise Beidaying young Japanese warlord, was pinned in the village of Iron Man blasting events railway result. Military action is usually belong to the scope of authority, is not under the command by the Kwantung Army commander action. Edit this paragraph disclose the fact, however, the fact that after all is the fact that participation in planning, "wicker Lake incident," the Japanese leader Valley of Flowers is later in the "literature Showa history," said the truth: "18 day and night, month half round, sorghum Heichen Chen's one; Shuxing little, want to fall sky. Shimamoto brigade Kawashima Squadron ins and outs of the river to keep the name of Lieutenant to inspect railway line, leading to the wicker ditch several men walked side BeidayingHekou observed from the side of the barracks, picked a side away from the barracks about 800 meters south of the place to go. Kawamoto personally cavalry mounted with small explosives under the railroad tracks and points out the fire. was 22:00 before. 'H' is heard exploding, rails and sleepers were blown the. "postwar" International Military Tribunal for the Far East verdict "clearly identified:" wicker Lake Incident "" is the Japanese planned practiced. "