Waste stream

2013-07-04 16:25

Waste stream Waste streams such as steel production slag, industrial waste, discarded computers, waste batteries and various other inorganic garbage. These wastes reuse the enterprise has no value, but if not properly dealt with, in situ piling will hinder production and even cause environmental pollution. The processing of such waste to produce a waste stream. Waste Logistics (Waste material logistics) What is the waste logistics refers to the waste stream of economic activity, lose their value items, according to the actual needs of the collection, sorting, processing, packaging, handling, storage, etc., and were sent to the formed when specialized treatment facility for physical movement of goods. It is only from the environmental point of view, regardless of the object has no value or use value, and dispose of it properly to avoid environmental pollution. Waste streams generated with the scientific and technological development and people's living standards improve, people increasingly high demand for consumer goods: to make good quality but also new styles. Thus been eliminated, discarded materials is increasing. These arise from the process of production and consumption of substances, because deterioration, damage, or end of life lost use value. They have odd bits of the production process, waste water and failed to form a qualified product without having to use the value of the material; There circulation process waste generated packaging materials; also produced in the post-consumer waste: such as household waste, office waste and so on. Part of these recyclable waste and recycling, called renewable resources, the formation of recycling logistics. Other part of the recycling process, the basic or complete loss of the use value, the final form can not be reused waste utilization, i.e. waste. Waste after treatment, return to nature, the formation of waste streams. Logistics and recycling waste streams not directly bring benefits to the enterprise, but very potential for development. China Waste Logistics Analysis China's accession to the WTO, a number of restrictive measures gradually abolish foreign logistics enterprises have entered the domestic market, and continue to increase their market share. China has been recognized as the 21st century world, "processing plant." Many foreign manufacturers as early as the 1980s into the Chinese market began to open up its own production territory. Logistics industry has as an emerging economic sectors, to become an important industry in China and the national economy in this century a new economic growth point. However, for very little waste logistics research, which makes it easy to think of the early industrial development of China are taking the "pollution first, treatment later" on the road, the face of increasing waste, can we make it a kind of special commodity? makes waste stream to walk the path? This is China should study and confront an issue. First, a significant emphasis on waste logistics, waste and waste logistics refers to the meaning of waste production and construction, daily life and other social activities which are, in a certain time and space within the basic or complete loss of use value, can not be recovered and utilized emissions. According to the provisions of GB, waste logistics (Wastematerial logistics) refers to economic activities, lose their value goods, according to the actual needs of the collection, sorting, processing, packaging, handling, storage, etc., and sent to a special place when sub- the resulting physical movement of goods. In actual production activities, people's attention is to use the value still exists in this part of commodities, namely recycling logistics. However, in many of the emissions, a portion may be recycled recycled called renewable resources; has lost part of the re-use value of emissions, can only be called a waste incineration and landfill. Renewable resources due to social progress and people's awareness of environmental protection has gradually been recovered by sorting, processing, decomposition, re-enter the field of production and consumption. As for the production and life of waste generated, the current domestic processing means and attention is not enough, because of the loss of the use value of modern logistics enterprises rarely interested,Online discount stores On Sale Women Nike Air Max 2013 Red shoes , of course, but also with China's current environmental protection system is not unrelated . 2, raise awareness, change attitudes and promote the development of the first waste stream, with limited resources from the social analysis: Due to human society needs a variety of materials are from nature. With the progress of human society, people's living standards improve and the diversity of consumer demand, the extraction of natural resources and human capacity increases, the number of non-renewable natural resources is gradually reduced, and therefore the scarcity of resources point of view, Human beings must consider resource protection and renewable waste recycling, waste stream thereby forming research and practice, the whole development of our society has a positive role in promoting. Secondly, from the point of view of environmental protection: because, in addition to part of the recyclable waste, the remaining part has lost its value in use, and many production waste contains harmful substances, if not timely and effective treatment, will affect people's entire living environment. Especially in such a densely populated urban 365JT large number of enterprises, waste emissions high places. Not treated directly discharged into the nature of the waste, it will seriously affect the agricultural soil, vegetation and water sources. It must deal with them, so that waste of resources and become profitable industry, and gradually the market; reproduction not only to achieve waste, while increasing employment, these have been implemented in some developed countries, so the great research value. Again, from the perspective of sustainable development analysis: From a macro-level perspective, the concept of sustainable development is the pursuit of real harmony between man and nature. 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development, "Our Common Future" report on "sustainable development" is the definition given: Sustainable development is to meet the various needs of contemporary people at the same time, does not make future generations to meet their own needs, capacities are compromised. Sustainable development in the 1990s to become a global consensus. Because it has been recognized that social resources are limited, so we also had a "circular economy" was that "resources - products - renewable resources." Jiang Zemin pointed out: "must not be a waste of resources to go after pollution of the road, can not eat rice sons, sons-made sin." Therefore, from the viewpoint of national long-term development, the effective treatment of waste must be strengthened. 2, the status of a domestic waste stream) Chinese regulations on waste disposal and the relevant provisions of the sources produced by the Chinese there are three types of waste division: First, the production of waste, and second flow of waste, three are living waste thereof. Correspondingly, laws and regulations are: "People's Republic of Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law", "People's Republic of Cleaner Production Promotion Law", "municipal solid waste management regulations" and so on. Because waste logistics logistics companies and not only related to the relationship between waste generators, but also directly related to the relationship between economic and social benefits. China on waste treatment principle is: "Who polluter pays." For industrial waste, in accordance with its own law by the industrial sector, handling costs are included in the cost of production; while for domestic waste is currently dominated by the municipal sanitation department, handling charges paid from the government budget. 2) the status of the domestic waste stream the data show that China has more than 600 cities surrounded by two-thirds by 1982 through garbage - 1989 Chinese urban per capita amount of waste produced is 0.4 - 0.6kg, 1990 0.76 years kg, 1999 years more than 0.8kg. From the annual production point of view, in 1990 the national MSW production is 6.766 × 107t, and an annual 7% - 9% increase rate in 1996 reached 1.0825 × 108t, but less than 2% harmless treatment to the 2000 rate of less than 5% harmless. Despite the introduction of the relevant Chinese laws and regulations, but the mindset of the people, a sense of responsibility and spammers behind the current domestic waste disposal facilities and imperfect legal system, the formation of layers of obstacles, due to the long dispersed governance, fragmented, sector and region, leading to many of the current waste no control, no control of the embarrassing situation. China's handling of waste levels relative to the United States, Japan, Germany and other developed countries rather backward, such as production waste and garbage classification of source, recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste classification are no in-depth publicity and strict standards. In their current state, the city of many recyclable materials, mainly through the city recycling scrap yards and small traders from the city and from household trash chose to recall. Recycling sector are mostly privately owned, small and shabby, the recovered materials are mainly open dumps by manually picking up a re-sale of goods recycling sector. As a government department in charge of sanitation agencies for urban production of a variety of non-use value, garbage collection, mainly destined for garbage dumpsites, the vast majority without further processing, causing the city to expand the area around the landfill. And the waste stream as a profitable service logistics company almost none. Waste not only threatens the city, is also spreading to rural areas. Minqin County in Gansu Province as an example, an original ecological environment is very weak, in recent years, because of extensive use of arable land mulching form of waste plastic waste has begun to seriously affect crop yields, and fields such non-degradable plastics everywhere, this white pollution, consequences and who pays? with our advocacy of the "Environmental Protection Model City", "eco-city", "sustainable development" is contrary? 3, the foreign waste material logistics situation in recent years, Waste collection, transportation, recycling, final disposal in foreign countries has become an important industry, in August 1998, No. "moneyworld" magazine that "garbage into gold," the symposium, mentioned in the text of the world's most valuable industry will is a waste disposal company or production waste disposal systems technology company, because they believe that with today's cost of $ 120 per ton of garbage to calculate the potential value of this market up to 6000 billion U.S. dollars. The above information is only for developed countries, we can see the importance of waste disposal. 1) promulgation of laws and regulations as the main waste stream particularity, countries and regions are on the flow of waste to deal formulated strict laws and regulations. Such as Germany, is the world's first great importance to packaging waste recovery and utilization of the country. In 1975, the German government and industry to conserve resources and increase the recycling of packaging waste agreement; 1986, the German government issued "Waste treatment and processing methods"; 1991, and formally promulgated Packaging Waste Act, legislation approach explicitly production and sale of responsible recycling of packaging waste, that "packaging Waste Disposal Act." In addition, in 1996, Germany has issued a "circular economy and the Waste Management Act" in order to ensure the legal form of "green packaging" of implementation. Another example is Japan, in April 2001 began implementing the "promote the establishment of a recycling society the Basic Law," "Law for Promotion of effective utilization of resources", "home appliances Recycling Law" fight for control of the amount of garbage, recycling of resources; Europe, America, Japan and other developed countries have enacted laws to require manufacturers, importers, must be responsible for packaging recycling and remanufacturing responsibility. 2) Waste disposal methods and waste logistics industry situation ① means for waste disposal of solid waste, the current treatment methods are compacted, crushing, sorting, dewatering and drying, curing, thermal conversion, bio- disposal of seven kinds. With advances in technology, waste disposal equipment continuous improvement, waste disposal, modern, scientific, systematic levels have gradually increased. Such as modern machinery for garbage sorting; biological engineering for landfill construction; thermal physics technology to improve the heat transfer 365JT waste incineration power generation system to improve power generation capacity; biotechnology for waste Composting Composting improve the efficiency and quality; modern information technology for waste integrated management system and so on. Waste incineration is widely available in foreign countries, in Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and other countries have become the primary means of waste disposal. 80% of Swiss waste incineration; Japan, more than 70% of the Danish waste incineration. ② the international trend of solid waste disposal waste disposal current international trend of "integrated waste management" is to mobilize all the people involved in 3R action to cut down the production of waste, the three R's action slogan is: ① reduce waste (Reduce ); ② the best use (Reuse); ③ recycling (Recycle). Because of economic globalization and the global flow of social resources tend to need the whole society to do so, reducing the total amount of waste and urban waste disposal burden. ③ waste logistics industry development status in the U.S. waste disposal company, for example, the company was founded in 1894, is currently the world's largest waste management company, is the only company providing a full environmental services company. Services include environmental consulting, architectural design and project management 365JT processing, business expansion around the world. Today's waste disposal companies control: international waste disposal company, chemical waste disposal company, belt shot blasting machine technology companies and Rust International Inc., the world's largest environmental services company. Another example is Denmark, a country just to build a waste disposal site, waste consumptive accounted for about half of the country. 4, on the operation of China's logistics industry waste some thoughts above analysis shows that waste in a foreign country to get a lot of attention and has already begun the industrial operations. Waste is a resource, but it is different from other types of resources: on the one hand the amount of it in constant growth, followed by management in different ways. China on waste disposal and utilization is still quite backward, high-tech real journey into the waste disposal is still some. How to make China's waste stream gradually carry out market-oriented operation, industrial management,Football Boots Soccer Cleats Shoes 2013 Nike CTR360 Maestri III FG White Black Red 20121229 , I believe that in addition to the formulation of relevant laws and regulations, the government can try to do something, such as a pilot city to do some small operations, adequate investment and government policy support, so that China's logistics enterprises involved in this industry. As sanitation sector should step up publicity efforts as well as more severe punitive measures, Peking University Professor Ye Wenhu referred to the "juniors win", namely, the production growth, improved living and ecological improvements. While developing the economy and improving the environment will win. The first is a collection of waste collection process point to the surface, the cost burden, who digest? Manufacturing waste and waste treatment side how to adjust their pattern of interests, so that all parties participate actively enforce these alone of policy can not be solved, you need to soft science to answer such questions. In order from the source to reduce waste emissions in China, should be gradually on the production waste and garbage implement metering and charging systems, on the other hand allow domestic logistics companies see this industry profitable. I believe that China should learn from the developed countries in terms of waste disposal some experience, because waste disposal is a very complex process that requires from the surface to the point of collection, storage, transport and eventual incineration, landfilling links, requires special equipment, initial investment and long payback period, so we need the support. 5 Conclusion Although China is a big country of resources, but because of the weak awareness of ecological protection, resulting in many parts of the country in recent years, the ecological balance has been severely damaged, while the production and living waste impact on our environment is worsening, especially in large cities waste collection and disposal have become the focus of attention. When we are keen to commodity logistics operation today, when mankind is to face their own manufacturing waste stream, so that those involved in the logistics industry,2013 Football Boots Soccer Cleats ShoesAdidas Predator LZ IC Cleats Bright Blue White Infrared , to get the proper disposal of waste, ecology perspective of sustainable development, improve our living environment. China still continued with an early end to the "pollution first, treatment later" situation, really do waste logistics industry, reduction, sound and resourceful!