
2013-07-03 16:15
 Please edit HE Fei Yi Xiang Add item This is a multi- meaning words , please ofBrowser select Browse one . Mainland China Mainland China male singer male singer 2 . Workers in Shanxi , Shanxi Peking Opera Peking Opera Composer Composer workers 3 . Jilin Provincial Academy of Social...
2013-07-03 16:10
 Have [xiāng jì] directory word information Detailed explanation Edit this paragraph the words information [as] have [Pinyin] xiāng jì [ basic interpretation [in succession] one after another ; continuous ; relative inherited ; delivery phase impart representatives we have to speak ....


2013-07-03 16:05
 Han directory Pinyin phonetic interpretation citation entry edit this section explain Pinyin mān hān Edit this paragraph phonetic mo ㄢ ㄏ ㄢ [ 1 ] Edit this paragraph entry explains han han Edit this paragraph mānhān [1] [muddleheaded and careless] confused and sloppy [ 1 ] the letter faint...
2013-07-03 16:00
 Hi hi salt salt Iris Iris Wikipedia card halophilous Iris (scientific name: Iris halophila) is Iridaceae Iris genus. Distributed in Russia and mainland China, Xinjiang, Gansu, growing at an altitude of 500 meters to 2,000 meters in area, often grown in the meadow, gravelly slopes,...
2013-07-03 13:00
 Wikipedia card fidic FIDIC President jorge padilFIDIC the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils) French abbreviation. The meaning is that FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers of the independent international...
2013-07-03 12:55
 Fertilization Fertilization is a traditional physical exertion and time-consuming, and fertilizer use efficiency is not high, could easily lead to soil compaction and other phenomena. After years of fertilization is improved with a small size, light weight, easy to operate features, the...
2013-07-03 12:50
 Famous famous Wikipedia card contract contract is legal or financial habits have been identified by their type on the name of a certain contract, also known as a typical contract. Chinese contract law provisions of the contract and civil law contracts were studied in the famous contract....
2013-07-03 12:45
 Family Harmony's double celebration directory Overview Jiangwu Ying Cai Synopsis Starring Indah reached Expand edit this section Overview Family Harmony's double celebration Movie Name: Family Harmony's double celebration Starring: Ge Cunzhuang Cai Yu Meng Indah Jiang Wu Release: 2004 ...
2013-07-03 12:40
 F-2 "BANSHEE" fighter Wikipedia card f-2F-2 is Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group (MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES., LTD.) And U.S. General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft unit) in the F-16 fighter developed in cooperation on the basis of air support aircraft for the...
2013-07-03 12:35
 Extension cable Technology definitions Chinese name : English name extension cord : expansion path curve Other names: expansion of production lines defined : When the price of production factors remain unchanged , with the increased costs, and other costs lines have been moved to the right...
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